Issue with docker unbale restart while restarting we are getting following error

Error": “oci runtime error: container_linux.go:300: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:255: applying cgroup configuration for process caused \"Argument list too long\""\n”,

And what command gives you this error message? I assume you run a container and a process inside the container gets too many arguments. It can happen when you use the output of a command as the argument list of another command.

That should not give you any error as it would run the container in the background so it indeed must be something with Docker itself.

How did you install Docker? Please, share the output of the following commands

docker info
docker version

(you can remove parts you don’t want to share like registry addresses or username)
And if the host is Linux, also the output of these

dpkg -l | grep docker
snap list docker

And when you share the output, please use code blocks. More info is in our formatting guide: How to format your forum posts

Any updates on this issue kindly let me know

I wasn’t around much in the last couple of days, but since it seems you chose to ignore my comment on formatting your post, I’m not surprised you got no replies. People don’t like to work hard on understanding a question.

I formatted it for you this time as you wouldn’t have right to do it after more than a day.

You are using an extremely old Docker version. I’m surprised it is still working. I assume the operating system is outdated as well

You can find the supported operating systems and distributions in the documentation:

Based on your docker command I don’t know what causes the issue if not something in your config file or somehow related to the docker version. If you downloaded the latest version from Docker Hub, that is possibly incompatible with the Docker version or if you built your own telegraf image, then something could be wrong with your build.

This is a community forum, which lives from people contributing their knowledge and solutions they find.
I am curious why you deleted most of your posts.

Did you find the solution? If so please share the result with the community, so that someone else who has the same problem not just finds a problem, but also reads about the solution.