Jboss docker corruption due to not cleanup of oldest images created with unusual name

We are using Docker 1.12.1 on our Jenkins slaves vApps in our CI infrastructure.
We have a problem. Could you support us to explain what’s happen?
Thanks in advance.

Our main question is to know why docker-compose creates and keep images with that strange name, concatenating previous to the base image name such set of Ids.
Problem Description:

Jenkins job
suffer of really frequent container name corruption (1 every 4 run).

docker ps show weird container (holding resource) like :

and removing those containers jobs is working fine.

Logs with faulty container are attached.

Made a preliminary inspection on faulty Vapp (Jenkins_Fem108_Docker_Slave_12):

[root@atvts3354 docker]# docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports

8b2b1935d74e_8b2b1935d74e_8b2b1935d74e_docker_jboss_1 /bin/sh -c sleep 20 && cp … Exit 128
docker_dps_integration_1 /bin/sh -c /usr/sbin/xinet … Up 5019/tcp
docker_jboss_1 /bin/sh -c cp /opt/ericsso … Exit 128
docker_postgres_1 /docker-entrypoint.sh postgres Up 5432/tcp

jboss has 2 different “images” one looks corrupted as in description, in addition also State Exit 128 could be investigated.