Local socks proxy stopped working (though socksProxyPort is configured)


since updating to the latest Docker for Mac Version, it appears the the configuration of the socksProxyPort has no effect anymore and no longer starts a local socks proxy on that port to forward traffic into the private docker network. Nothing about this was mentioned in the release notes.

My configuration in ~/Library/Group Containers/group.com.docker\settings.json, it should be pretty standard apart from “socksProxyPort” : 8888
This always used to launch a socks proxy on port 8888 that I could use to connect directly to my container ip addresses, now however there’s nothing listening on that port.

  "filesharingDirectories" : [
  "backupData" : false,
  "latestBannerKey" : "",
  "diskSizeMiB" : 61035,
  "diskFlush" : "os",
  "displayRestartDialog" : false,
  "kubernetesEnabled" : false,
  "settingsVersion" : 6,
  "diskQcowKeepErased" : 262144,
  "useCloudCli" : true,
  "kubernetesInitialInstallPerformed" : false,
  "displaySwitchVersionPack" : true,
  "analyticsEnabled" : true,
  "overrideProxyHttps" : "",
  "dataFolder" : "Library\/Containers\/com.docker.docker\/Data\/vms\/0\/data",
  "dockerAppLaunchPath" : "\/Applications\/Docker.app",
  "displayedDeprecate1013" : false,
  "diskQcowRuntimeAsserts" : false,
  "diskQcowCompactAfter" : 262144,
  "autoStart" : false,
  "cpus" : 2,
  "swapMiB" : 1024,
  "displayedTutorial" : true,
  "diskTRIM" : true,
  "diskStats" : "",
  "versionPack" : "default",
  "vpnKitMTU" : 1500,
  "useCredentialHelper" : true,
  "vpnkitCIDR" : "\/24",
  "channelID" : "stable",
  "overrideProxyHttp" : "",
  "socksProxyPort" : 8888,
  "checkForUpdates" : true,
  "displayedDeprecate1012" : false,
  "showKubernetesSystemContainers" : false,
  "memoryMiB" : 2048,
  "vpnKitAllowedBindAddresses" : "",
  "vpnKitMaxPortIdleTime" : 300,
  "proxyHttpMode" : "system",
  "credentialHelper" : "docker-credential-osxkeychain",
  "vpnKitTransparentProxy" : true,
  "overrideProxyExclude" : "",
  "synchronizedDirectories" : [

  "activeOrganizationName" : "",
  "vpnKitMaxConnections" : 2000

Apparently it was patched out by mistake and will be re-added again in future versions

Hello, it seems local socks proxy is not working anymore with the latest version of docker desktop, namely Docker Desktop for Mac release notes | Docker Documentation. Thx.