M1 Mac Docker Cannot Parse PHP files

We have an application that is built on Symfony using Composer. I am trying to run this project on an M1 Mac but keep getting errors on various files saying that the file “could not be parsed as PHP” when trying to build the front end. The front end (AngularJS) appears to build without any errors, it’s just the back end that throws the error below.

I have tried adding memory to the Docker container thinking maybe it was a memory issue but that didn’t seem to make a difference. It doesn’t happen to the same file every time, which is why I originally thought it might be some sort of memory issue but that doesn’t appear to be the case as increasing memory did not prevent the error.

I had to jump through a bunch of hoops to get to this point due to various issues with the M1 chipset but it seems like the front end builds okay but the back end has issues with PHP files it seems.

Haven’t found much useful information on that failure to parse error but it is most likely specific to the M1 chipset. Has anyone run into this before?

Here are the results of a few tests. After the first test I deleted the vendor dir again but after the second test I just ran composer install again and it gave the same error with a different file name.


Generating optimized autoload files

In PhpFileParser.php line 51:

 File at "/var/www/html/api/vendor/beberlei/doctrineextensions/src/Query/Sqlit
 e/ConcatWs.php" could not be parsed as PHP, it may be binary or corrupted


Generating optimized autoload files

In PhpFileParser.php line 51:

 File at "/var/www/html/api/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Cache
 /DependencyInjection/CacheCollectorPass.php" could not be parsed as PHP, it m
 ay be binary or corrupted

composer install without delete:

Generating optimized autoload files

In PhpFileParser.php line 51:

 File at "/var/www/html/api/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/bootstrap80.php"
 could not be parsed as PHP, it may be binary or corrupted


Generating optimized autoload files

In PhpFileParser.php line 51:

 File at "/var/www/html/api/vendor/pagerfanta/pagerfanta/lib/Core/Exception/Ex
 ception.php" could not be parsed as PHP, it may be binary or corrupted

next time:

Generating optimized autoload files

In PhpFileParser.php line 51:

 File at "/var/www/html/api/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/Framewor
 kBundle/Command/TranslationUpdateCommand.php" could not be parsed as PHP, it
 may be binary or corrupted

and next:

Generating optimized autoload files

In PhpFileParser.php line 51:

 File at "/var/www/html/api/vendor/friendsofsymfony/elastica-bundle/src/Depend
 encyInjection/FOSElasticaExtension.php" could not be parsed as PHP, it may be
  binary or corrupted

I’ve searched every forum I could find but there really doesn’t appear to even be any mention of this error anywhere. I’m fairly new to Docker as we have really just made the switch since VirtualBox bit the dust. Everything ran fine on VB but unfortunately it looks like that is no longer an option with newer machines.

Note: Stack is being built with docker compose. I have attempted to change the memory_limit in the docker compose file as well as in the php.ini and also by specifying a memory limit with the docker install command.

I am trying to remember where I developed my last PHP application based on Symfony… I am not hundred prcent sure it was Docker Desktop, but I know I tried that too. I guess the PHP files that the intepreter complains about are mounted from the host. Since this is a special moint (mounted from the host to a VM and from the VM to the container) there could be issues.

Have you enabled VirtioFS in Docker Desktop preferences? It is a beta feature, but faster then the default.

If you enabled it, you can try to disable it, but I think it is better to be enabled.

Thank you! I had no idea that setting was even there. composer install seems to work fine with that enabled.

It’s a pretty old project that we’re preparing to rebuild so hopefully now I can get it fully running.