@ccrone FYI this is the same error I was seeing with a fresh download.
thanks. It works for me.
FYI, this worked for me:
sudo cp /Applications/Docker.app//Contents/Library/LaunchServices/com.docker.vmnetd /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/
This is from this comment: [Workaround in description] Mac is detecting Docker as a malware and keeping it from starting · Issue #7520 · docker/for-mac · GitHub
Unfortunately this was a bit of a mess, some of the errors I was getting from MacOS indicated that com.docker.vmnetd
was dangerous and needed to be deleted, but by deleting it even with a fresh install I was in a generally broken state.
As far as I can tell my particular flavor of broken Docker was fixed by the above command / github rec.
Same thing here. I spent the whole day on this. Tried everything. Nothing worked. I could not make Docker run after cleaning everything, restarting, installing from scratch, etc…
Your instructions worked for me. Thank you so much!
Just happen today, it is weird because I use Docker Desktop for a long time but no malware error. Try everything but did not work. Macbook M2.
I overcame this error just by removing docker from my machine via terminal, restarting the computer, and reinstalling docker version 4.37.1 (Release notes | Docker Docs)
Same problem with a Macbook M3 here. I tried everything (uninstalling/reinstalling, cp command, rebooting), but did not solve the problem
I also suddenly got this error on our mac mini m1.
After some research on internet I decided to completely remove Docker Desktop for macOS by using App Cleaner, then I install colima using below commands.
# install colima and docker engine
brew install colima docker
# start colima
colima start
# make colima auto start
brew services start colima
# quick test
docker run hello-world
Since then, everything goes back to how it should be.
I have Mac Sequoia and I am getting the exact same error from today. I used it till yesterday without any problem.
Hi, the uninstall
script errors out and none of the “residual files” are there, but it looks like this solved the malware problem, after reinstalling a Docker Desktop version from yesterday 4PM CET
I also lost my containers and restoring Docker.raw
doesn’t seem to cut it…
Thanks anyway
I received the same error 15 mins ago, after years of use without a problem.
Macbook Pro M3 Pro, Mac OS version 15.0
I re-installed it, but it’s still the same.
Thanks, Works for me too.
My teammate had this issue, This instruction fixed the issue.
Thank you.
I started facing this issue from afternoon around 12:00 PM IST today. I’ve been using docker from a year now … never faced such issue. Well finally I resolved by following below.
1 > Uninstall Docker desktop
2 > Kill if any docker process still running in background
3 > Download lower version - I am using - Docker Desktop 4.32.0 (157355)
4 > Copy the below
sudo cp /Applications/Docker.app/Contents/Library/LaunchServices/com.docker.vmnetd /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/
sudo cp /Applications/Docker.app/Contents/MacOS/com.docker.socket /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/
5 > Restart docker desktop
thank you, worked for me too. containers could be saved
thanks it worked for me!!
Have you tried the suggested solutions?
This solution works for me
It would be great if someone with the error can click on the top-right (?) icon to potentially provide more information.