V 4.37.2 [“Docker” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash.] And none of the proposed solutions worked!


I’ve encountered the recent known issue about the malware for mac on a docker desktop update. It was supposed to be fixed with V 4.37.2 but I still encounter this message when downloading it: “Docker” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash.

I’ve already uninstalled the app, upgraded and cleaned my brew, installed rosetta, tried the installation via interactive (double click on the dmg file) and via the cli, nothing works. Version 4.37.2 should be a patch but the issue is still there. How can I solve this?

That malware issue is not the only issue that could happen with Docker Desktop. I don’t get why everyone thinks recently they had that issue. The error message has nothing to do with it. We had another topic which I closed, because people started to discuss the malware warning there and I wanted to make sure new users see the link to the other issue.

I cannot be absolutely sure that this error message is not a consequence of the modifications made to fix the other issue, but it is not that issue. Please, read the topic I linked above. Hopefully it can help. If not, I can only recommend that I always do.

  • Follow the official documentation on docs.docker.com
  • Make sure you downloaded the correct installer for your architecture. People often downloaded the one for amd64 when they had arm64.
  • Make sure the browser finished downloading. You can try it from another browser
  • Check the filesize. If it i too small, you probably downloaded a wrong file. It can happen if something is wrong on Docker’s side. In that case you can report it to Docker on GitHub

Note that brew is not the official way to install Docker Desktop and if it fails to properly download the file, you won’t be able to install or run it.


I heard about this again from other sources too, so there might be somthing new happening.

Hi, thanks for the answer.

File was good, what fixed it for me was updating my os. There was a pending software update and then 4.37.2 started working :+1:t3:

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That’s good to know. Thank you for sharing the solution!

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Hey, piggybacking on here as I’m running into this exact issue and none of the workarounds here is helping.

I’m running macOS Ventura 13.7.2 on my 2017 MBP (Intel chip). I downloaded the Intel chip (amd64) copy of Docker 4.37.2 from the release notes page, but I’m unable to install the application either by double-clicking the installer file or by using the Docker CLI to install. I did all the stuff recommended on this thread as well as on:

None of that seems to help. Getting the same exact error during and after copying to my Applications folder: “Docker” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash. The prompt repeats indefinitely every few seconds until I agree to move the application to Trash.

Any suggestions? Happy to open a new issue if required. Appreciate any pointers.

Annoyed that I spent hours on this but wanted to share what worked for me in case it helps anyone else.

I needed to do a full wipe of everything Docker-related from my computer, as it seems deleting just the standard files at /usr/local/bin and in ~/Library sub-folders didn’t suffice.

  1. I ran the delete steps on this StackOverflow answer: Cannot launch docker desktop for mac - Stack Overflow
  2. Restarted my computer (probably could have skipped this)
  3. Installed Docker via Homebrew Cask: brew install --cask docker (I already had Homebrew on my computer, although my previous Docker installation was not done via Homebrew, so I don’t believe brew reinstall would have worked)
  4. And then launched Docker via Spotlight search.

Now it launches and works fine. I didn’t try downloading the dmg file from the Docker site to install it manually, but I suspect that would have worked as well after cleaning up all the rogue leftover files from prior installations.