Monitoring remote docker instances using watchtower

I am using watchtower to update remote docker instances. I am using the docker-compose.yml file to stand up the watchtower instance. I have my environment variable defined, and set my DOCKER_HOST to “tcp://”. I am getting this error message though: time=“2023-06-08T22:02:25Z” level=fatal msg=“Error instantiating Docker client: parse "tcp://x:2375, tcp://y:2375": invalid character " " in host name”. How can I define multiple instances for watchtower to monitor and report on?

I don’t know if you can define multiple endpoints, but wouldn’t be enough to run multiple watchtowers? One for each endpoint.

You didn’t actually expose tcp ports for Docker Engines that are reachable from the internet, did you?

I sincerely hope for you the answer is no, as this would allow EVERYONE who stumbles across the port to control your docker instances.

If I can do it with one watchtower instance, that would be ideal.
No, these are internal machines.