Native Windows docker development environment

I want to keep my Windows 10 PC as clean as possible, so using WSL2 I have now created various Linux development environments for creating apps in Python, PHP, etc, that are great. However, the one thing that I am missing is the ability to create a native Windows 10 development environment for developing native windows apps, rather than filling up my host PC with software that I want to remove again afterwards. AFAICT this is not possible using Docker, so what would be my best option (other than a separate PC)?

Since this is a Docker Community Forum, if you want to ask about general Windows development environments, I recommend the Microsoft forum.

Or you can use Docker Desktop for Windows and run Windows containers. You can switch between Linux and Windows from menu in the notification area, but I guess it would work only with Windows Pro or Enterprise.

If it doesn’t work, unfortunately this forum is not the best for your question. Or if you want to run desktop apps, because that is not supported in Windows containers.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll post the question over at the Microsoft forum.