Hi, I am .NET developer, and I had two laptop with Window 10 version OS.
- Visual Studio Code installed.
- .NET SDK installed.
- Docker for Desktop installed.
- Or any other tools requirement for development.
Laptop-1 basically is for development .NET Apps and built deployment files.
- .NET SDK installed.
- Docker for Desktop installed.
Laptop-2 basically is non-development, act as production machine to run .NET applications
which is developed from Laptop-1.
Situation as below:-
In Laptop-1 Visual Studio Code, I developed a WebApp and successfully built image & container from dockerfile and run in container.
Now, i want to copy this WebApp containers (All files) to my sample production machine which is Laptop-2.
May I know by default, in Laptop-1 where is my WebApp Images & Container all file in my laptop? Is it will default store into C:\Docker\ directory?
Which is the docker for window installation folder? -
Can I manually copy the built files, and copy to my other Laptop-2?
I know there is many way to deploy the containers, such docker save & docker load, or upload to hub and so on.
But I new to docker, i which to try on above simple way in my home first.
Any details step by step guide I can refer to?