Hello, I am using Windows with Docker and have a newbie question.
My system was setup and configured by a professional and I need a little guidance in running commands.
I am trying to add Cerbot to the Nginx image in the container and am getting the error no such container.
I’ve included the screenshot.
Ok, I see now that the root is not the container. I just used the ID to get in.
Unfortunatly I am still stuck.
I am trying to setup Cerbot for Nginx where our Orthanc server is running.
We are using Docker in a windows enviroment.
From PowerShell I entered docker exec -ti (my container name) bash to enter the command.
I have tried the example below (With the correct information inserted) and get the error bash: sudo: command not found.
My install instruction are from the Certificate provider and I’m not sure if I need to install Cerbot first into Nginx. I’ve tried searching but articles refer to running on a Linux platform.
It looks like @deanayalon solved your original problem. Please, don’t discuss unrelated problems in the same topics, because new visitors will not find the solution easily. Thank you!