Docker command not found error on Windows

I have installed Docker Desktop for Windows in my laptop. When i launch the terminal window from the container and try to execute “docker --version”, i get the error Docker command not found error.

It seems like you expect this terminal, to be a shell on your host. It is not.
When you exec into a container, you get a terminal inside the running container, and it seems that the image your container is based on, does not provide the docker binary (which is true for most images).

Starting with Docker Desktop v4.32.0 a beta feature was introduced to access a host shell through the UI. It is in located in the bottom right corner, left to the version number:

yes i tried that too. when i type the command “docker --version” i get the appropriate version as in the screenshot.
But i am not able to type the below command

kafka-topics --bootstrap-server kafka1:19092
–topic pest-popic
–replication-factor 1 --partitions 1

What do i need to do so that the command can be executed in the terminal windows.
I am getting the below error upon typing the command

You’re trying to use the command on your Windows host machine rather than in the container’s terminal

Above the “Terminal” header, there’s a small terminal window, the one with:

su: Authentication failure

Try running it there