Nginx proxy + my HTTP service in Google Cloud Run

I’m setting up two containers in a Google Cloud Run service (which run on same host):

  • ingress nginx proxy
  • my http service

I got these running locally on Mac, but when deploying to Google Cloud Run, I’ve hit:

nginx [emerg] host not found in upstream host.docker.internal

because I’m using host.docker.internal in nginx configuration, and host.docker.internal isn’t defined (on Linux) as I found out (nginx - From inside of a Docker container, how do I connect to the localhost of the machine? - Stack Overflow)

First of all this sucks – why does this work on Mac, but not on Linux … seems like host.docker.internal should be always available!? (Explore networking features on Docker Desktop | Docker Docs)

There seem to be few workarounds for this sucky thing:

  • pass --add-host="host.docker.internal:" to the docker run command
  • pass --network=host and use ‘localhost’
  • using docker-compose.yml and actually building an image with /etc/hosts containing the mapping.

Cloud Run service config provides two text fields – “Container Command” and “Container Arguments” – but I can’t figure out how to actually use them, it’s like some alien technology - and I can’t find good documentation or examples.

What am I missing here? I thought this would take me 30 min to 3 hours to set up an Nginx proxy, but it’s already close to 3 days. Please help.

And I just came across this article, which talks exactly about my scenario, and basically, referring to in nginx config works in Google Cloud Run (not in the local desktop docker when I tried it earlier)…

Cloud Run appears to create a Kubernetes Pod. Containers in a Pod share the same network namespace, and that’s why localhost is the same localhost for all containers inside the same pod.

The special DNS name host.docker.internal is a feature of Docker Desktop only. Though Docker-CE can use host.docker.internal and gateway.docker.internal to access the host by its ip as well. My bad, those names only worked with Docker-CE, because I have Docker Desktop on the host. I confused it with --add-host host.docker.internal=host-gateway, which is equivalent to --add-host host.docker.internal=

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