No external network connectivity from inside Docker container

This fixed it for me, setting the DNS to fixed rather than automatic. Thanks !

Obviously there’s some kind of bug in Docker on Win. The box is fine otherwise.

Setting DNS to is not a viable solution for many of us. That DNS server does not contain my company’s private DNS entries that we use behind a VPN, for instance. My VPN client will hybrid my local DNS (changes frequently) plus the company DNS (for only VPN traffic) together. Everything else on the machine works with this setup, including my existing VirtualBox vagrant+docker setup.

Setting the DNS IP in the Docker settings, and changing the Virtual Switch to External worked for me.

I have just updated to version 1.12.1-beta25 and it appears to be working now.

I also enabled ICS on the wifi adapter as found on this page:

It is still working after I disabled ICS, so I assume that Docker has figured out multiple network adapters on install. It is definitely an issue for machines with multiple network adapters. I installed Docker on my Surface tablet and had no issues pulling images whatsoever. It’s only on my larger machine with both ethernet and wifi that had the issue.

I can’t wait to get a kubernetes cluster working using “native” Docker and moby linux!

Hi Team,

We have setup the docker in Linux VM, there is no external connectivity from the vms due to company policies firewalls have been blocked to access anything external. Can you please suggest the way forward to use without the external connectivity?

Docker Version: 1.9.1
Linux Vm - kernel version 3.8.13-98.el6uek.x86_64

[root@host] # docker run hello-world
Unable to find image ‘hello-world:latest’ locally
Pulling repository
Network timed out while trying to connect to You may want to check your internet connection or if you are behind a proxy.


Hi Mahesh, thanks for posting on the docker forums.

You will need internet connectivity at some point on your network to be able to download images from the docker repositories, but you won’t necessarily need it on the server running docker. With Docker you do have the ability to create a local registry to pull/push images - Please see here for more information on how to create a local registry: This guide will also walk you through interacting with and pulling images from local registries.

This will give you the ability to pull images from a local server on your network to your containers, but please keep in mind that the registry itself will need at least temporary internet access to be able to pull images down.

There is also an Enterprise version of the registry called the DTR, that comes with much greater security and image management.


Thanks Jason, Would that be possible if I create DTR on my local system where we have internet connectivity and try to pull from the actual Linux VM?


This worked for me indirectly. Changed the DNS settings to Fixed: and applied. Docker failed to restart so I took the option to “Reset to Factory Defaults” and my connection was working again when I retried it. Can’t shed any more light on the issue but hopefully this helps someone else out there