I am able to successfully build my Controller Docker image with base Ubuntu platform, along with prerequisite software and set environment and start the essential processes within the Docker container. But am unable to open the WEB UI for the Controller running in the docker container from the or host IP I get 404 error,
I access the WEB UI using HTTPS protocol with URL - https://<Host_ip>:8443/sdn/ui from a browser.
My docker info:
root@Megatron:~# docker info
Containers: 22
Running: 3
Paused: 0
Stopped: 19
Images: 26
Server Version: 1.12.1
Storage Driver: aufs
Root Dir: /var/lib/docker/aufs
Backing Filesystem: extfs
Dirs: 91
Dirperm1 Supported: false
Logging Driver: json-file
Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
Volume: local
Network: overlay host bridge null
Swarm: inactive
Runtimes: runc
Default Runtime: runc
Security Options: apparmor
Kernel Version: 3.13.0-93-generic
Operating System: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
OSType: linux
Architecture: x86_64
CPUs: 12
Total Memory: 15.6 GiB
Name: Megatron
Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
Debug Mode (client): false
Debug Mode (server): false
Http Proxy: XXXX
Registry: XXXX
WARNING: No swap limit support
Insecure Registries:
Following is the error I get when I do a wget from the container,
root@8c799f5ee9f7:/# wget --https-only --no-check-certificate --no-proxy
–2016-10-24 07:02:43--
Connecting to… connected.
WARNING: cannot verify’s certificate, issued by ‘/C=CA/ST=CA/L=Palo Alto/O=HP/OU=HP SDN Controller/CN=’:
Self-signed certificate encountered.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 404 Not Found
2016-10-24 07:02:43 ERROR 404: Not Found.
PS: I run the container with the following command,
docker run -d --privileged -p 8080:8080/tcp -p 8443:8443/tcp -p 8445:8445/tcp -p 6633:6633/tcp -p 6634:6634/tcp -p 9160:9160/tcp -p 7001:7001/tcp -p 7199:7199/tcp -p 47541:47541/tcp -p 8787:8787/tcp -c 12 -m 15g -i -t hpsdn/flare:2.7.16 /bin/bash
What is it that am missing to access the WEB UI of the controller from any browser? I always get 404 error?