I’m using windows 10 Enterprise and i downloaded Docker with Hyper-V but every time whenever i open VS 2017 .NET Core 2.0 API and executes Docker commands to build the image systems gets hang badly.
So i decided to move on to Docker Tool box. I installed the docker tool box and using oracle virtual box for virtualization but now whenever i open my VS 2017 API solution it asks me to switch to the Windows Docker Container as i have enabled docker support for windows while creating the API solution.
Is there any way i can change the Docker server to windows and and create a windows docker machine using docker tool box.
i have ran the command docker version it shows
Client OS : Win64/amd (my machine) and Server OS : linux
if run command docker-machine create --driver virtualbox it creates a VM in virtual box for linux which i can change to windows 64 but still the server is linux only.
So is there any solution for it ?