Not work docker pull apple M1

I get error when I try any docker pull. How fix it?
Error response from daemon: Get net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

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Same issue on m1 likewise. Not on intel Mac

I think it’s a version issue. Still having issue with the network communication.
I have downgraded an April release and working again.

I’m having the same issue!
Macbook Pro M1 big sur version 11.3.1

Docker version: Docker Desktop 3.3.3 (64133).

Same issue after the update to Docker 3.3.3 on Mac M1.
After that I updated Docker on Intel Mac and that one updated to 3.3.1.
Probably a issue in 3.3.3?

Going to: Troubleshoot > Reset to factory defaults and resetting it solved my connectivity issues.


Same issue after the update to Docker 3.3.3 on Mac M1.

It works again after “Reset to factory defaults”.

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Thank you! This solved my connectivity issues too on my Mac M1.

troubleshooting turn off experimental function