Official images at Docker - ask for an advice

We are developers of EspoCRM, one of the most popular open-source CRM system.

We’ve submitted a pull request on GitHub (Add EspoCRM official image by tmachyshyn · Pull Request #7603 · docker-library/official-images · GitHub) to have our Docker image recognized as official. Initially, we received several recommendations, implemented the suggested changes, but since then, our request has remained pending without further feedback.

Despite our follow-up messages requesting a review, we’ve received no response.

Could anyone advise on how to proceed with this? If anyone has contact details for a decision-maker or reviewer in this process, sharing them would be greatly appreciated. We really want to understand the reason for such ignorance.

I have lost on the pull request page, so please, help me out. How long have you been waiting for a response? I see some events, commits, but the last comment I see is from 2021.

We have been waiting for more than 3 years. The last comment was in November 2020.

I would be deeply grateful for any assistance you could provide.

While I was writing my first reply @meyay already tried to contact someone who could have more information about what you could do. It could take time, during which we might forget about this topic, so feel free to remind us with a new comment after a couple of days