I want to call docker-compose run service and be put into an interactive session.
Actual behavior
I get “Interactive mode is not yet supported on Windows”
With the docker toolbox users would fire up an image with docker-compose running and run commands from it: https://gist.github.com/au-phiware/25213e72c80040f398ba I’m not sure how to replicate that in the new Docker for Windows world. I would think I could also start a service in daemon mode and attach to it but I’m unable to get that working in a simple container just running bash. Any guidance as to the preferred method for running docker-compose services interactively would be much appreciated.
I just wanted to mention I’m getting around this by bringing up my compose containers and attaching to them with docker exec -it flowerai_web_1 bash to run any one-off commands I happen to need.
winpty docker exec -it mediawiki_web_1 bash
root@bd9007e832ec:/# ls
bin boot data dev entrypoint.sh etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
PS: I should add that I’ve added the following to my docker-compose.yml-file: