Proxy Authentication Required

Expected behavior

Actual behavior

Pull only works, if some internet web site like goggle was opened just immediatelly before in Safari (or by curl command on Terminal)


Diagnostic ID: 027FE912-DBD2-4A19-A878-2F98EC774735

Steps to reproduce the behaviour

I work with a local user on MAC.
In preferences a http proxy and https proxy with user/pwd is defined. It is also shown when executing docker info.
The proxy works in Safari, e.g. google search page opens without any problem.
Executing the command “docker pull hello-world” on the Terminal fails with error:
Error while pulling image: GET Proxy Authentication Required
The same command succeeds, if just a few seconds before some internet page was opened in Safari (or by curl on the Terminal).
If there is a gap about 10 seconds or more between curl command and docker pull command the Authentication error appears again.