Hello. I’m a new user of docker for windows. I mostly create containers, but this kind of task came up:
"PostgreSQL (including Postgis) and Redis are required to run backupper.
Script to create tables in DB — cropio_api_structure.sql
Pull image from Docker Hub docker pull cropio/cropio-backupper
Container launch command example (you must specify logins and passwords in variables):
docker run -e “REDIS_HOST=” -e “CROPIO_LOGIN=” -e “CROPIO_PASSWORD=”
-e “DB_NAME=” -e “DB_PORT=” -e “DB_USERNAME=” -e “DB_PASSWORD=” -e “DB_HOST=”
-e “DOWNLOAD_SLEEP=10” --restart=always cropio/cropio-backupper
or in case you decide to use API_TOKEN:
docker run -e “REDIS_HOST=” -e “API_TOKEN=”
-e “DB_NAME=” -e “DB_PORT=” -e “DB_USERNAME=” -e “DB_PASSWORD=” -e “DB_HOST=”
-e “DOWNLOAD_SLEEP=10” --restart=always cropio/cropio-backupper "
could you please explain step by step for a beginner how to do this?
(GitHub - cropio/cropio-backupper)