Rest client error (GET http://localhost:8091/pools): dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused

Here the requirement is to upload the json into couchbase server. I am able to upload the json file by entering into couchbase container using exec command. But, I want to do it using docker file. For that I started the couchbase server using following command

docker run -d --name db --network my-network -p 8091-8094:8091-8094 -p 11210:11210 couchbase:4.6.3

and try to upload the json file using docker file which in turns creates another container.

From couchbase:4.6.3

ADD lines2.json /

WORKDIR opt/couchbase/bin

RUN echo "2 - PWD "$PWD

CMD echo ‘query is’ $( cbimport json -u Administrator -p password -b sample -c couchbase://localhost -f lines -d file:///lines.json -g key::%name% -t 4 )

build the image : docker build --no-cache -t opscopy:1.0 .
start the container : docker run -it --network my-network --name=importps31 opscopy:1.0

output is Rest client error (GET http://localhost:8091/pools): dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused

connected both containers using networking command, but unable to upload the json file.
How to upload using docker file?
Please help me out to solving the issue