Starting docker

please help me.
I have an error

ensuring desktop context: creating "desktop-linux" context: rename C:\Users\TAKA\.docker\contexts\meta\fe9c6bd7a66301f49ca9b6a70b217107cd1284598bfc254700c989b916da791e\.tmp-meta.json2998994109 C:\Users\TAKA\.docker\contexts\meta\fe9c6bd7a66301f49ca9b6a70b217107cd1284598bfc254700c989b916da791e\meta.json: Access is denied.

I experienced this when updating my docker to version 4.32
I have tried factory reset but the result is still the same

Stuck in view starting the docker engine



Have you tried “docker system prune” to clean everything first ? Can be a solution here since your problem comes with temporary files.

You (or the updater) probably broke the permissions somehow so files in the context meta cannot be changed or missing and cannot be created. You can try stop Docker Desktop, to remove the whole C:\Users\TAKA\.docker assuming you have no custom configuration there. If you have, make a copy, remove the docker folder and fix the custom config later.

On Linux, I would fix the permissions but I don’t know how it could be broken on Windows. If you know, you can try to fix it.