Running the latest docker desktop (and same on the few months old docker I had before upgrading while trying to fix this issue) on Mojave 10.14.6 I get some weirdness when I pipe the output from a container into something on the host. It looks like the carriage return action of a newline is ignored so the next outputted line will start one row just below the last character instead of at column 1 on the next row.
This happens in a number of different scenarios. I’ve tried with Ubunto, Debian and Alpine as the container OS and with dd’ing /dev/random, or just a plain seq number sequence or the output from a verilog testbench. It also happens regardless of if I’m running iterm2 or the native terminal on the mac. Also it doesn’t matter it I pipe into tee or hexdump. The displayed data still ends up with faulty carriage returns like in the image here where I first do the “seq” command in a container (ends up garbled) and then locally in the mac where it’s ok.
Funnily enough it corrects itself after a shedload (like half a million in this case) of lines.
Non-inlined image here since I’m a new user at the forum:
But if I redirect the output into a file the file ends up perfectly fine - so that is a workaround for me. I can postprocess the results after the container has ended, but that means I can’t see whats happening during the actual run (which lasts up to 30-60 seconds).
I can’t figure out what to try next…