Synology NAS: one application over VPN

Hi everyone!

I am new to this forum, and not very experienced with docker itself. I have a container of CouchPotato running on my Synology NAS to automatically rename my movies. Now, I would like to do the following on my NAS. I don’t know if it is possible, but if it is I am really looking for some help/instructions.

I want to run SABnzbd on my NAS with the option that it only connects over a VPN connection. While the whole NAS needs to be accessible at all times (and at faster rates than my VPN), I don’t want the rest of my NAS to use the VPN.

Is this possible by any way with the use of docker? For example, by setting which of my ethernet ports is used for the container (I have 2 more available). I did see some images with built in VPN, but they crash on startup and never run…

Thanks in advance,

Regards, Patrick