Tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is not standards compliant

Hi everyone,

I got a big problem on my mac m3. Trying to run a docker compose up command and i got this :
failed to solve: base/npm-configuration:latest: failed to authorize: failed to fetch anonymous token: Get "https://repository.pole-emploi.intra:443/artifactory/api/docker/docker-dev-virtual/v2/token?scope=repository%3Abase%2Fnpm-configuration%3Apull&service=repository.pole-emploi.intra%3A443": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: “repository.pole-emploi.intra” certificate is not standards compliant

I am looking for a solution, i googled it but nothing…

Do you know how can I solve it ?

up… please help me… i am completely stuck with that

Please, share more information about the issue? You shared an error message and the platform, that helps, but nothing about the commands you ran and what your goal was.

I don’t see the image here:

but this is where you seem to pull the image. Is this repository.pole-emploi.intra domain for a proxy cache server?

Note that when you don’t get answers it is usually because the question is not clear and of course sometimes we just don1t notice some topics among the others.

Looks like a problem with the tls certificate the Artifactory instance uses, or the reverse proxy in front of Artifactory that does the subdomain to path rewrite.

Have you considered raising a support ticket @JFrog? Of course, if you are not using one of the free limited variations like the JFrog Container Registry.

hello rimelek, first of all thank you very much for your response. :pray: :pray:
Sorry if I wasn’t specific enough. :relieved:

I run a docker compose up and pull images to a private repository.

Here is my config.json

“builder”: {
“gc”: {
“defaultKeepStorage”: “20GB”,
“enabled”: true
“debug”: true,
“experimental”: false,
“proxies”: {
“default”: {
“httpProxy”: “http://proxyaws.pole-emploi.intra:8080”,
“httpsProxy”: “https://proxyaws.pole-emploi.intra:8080”,
“noProxy”: “localhost,”
“registry-mirrors”: [

hello meyay, first of all thank you very much for your response. :pray:

I haven’t created a ticket yet.

I pull my images from a private repository; I don’t have too many options for action on this repository.