Ubuntu home server with docker

So I’ve been running a home server with docker on it and I’ve been loving the experience. Running Hassio, pihole, a webserver, etc on it has been flawless.

I was wondering: is there a container that I can deploy with NAS capacilities? I want to be able to backup my server and PC weekly to the external HDD’s.

I don’t think Docker is the right solution for what you want. I do understand wanting that convenience of having everything managed in containers, but NAS systems typically have direct control of their drives.

To give a better answer, it would be good to know what kind of backups you are trying to create. If you just want rolling backups of your containers, you can create scripts to export them on a weekly basis. Put those backups on an external drive if you want. If you want a snapshot of everything on your server, you can look into a file system solution like ZFS or BTRFS. Those snapshots can be exported to an external device too, but you may start using a lot of storage depending on the size of data you are dealing with. I do both of these things: export containers daily to a directory of rolling backups (backup scripts erase any backup older than 30 days) and I take weekly and monthly rolling snapshots with ZFS which are deleted when older than 30 days and 1 year respectively, but I don’t store them externally. This layered approach provides insures you have several options for data recovery in the event you need to restore a backup.

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