I am trying to setup UCP on my MAC using the following command;
docker container run --rm -it --name ucp -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock docker/ucp:3.1.7 install --interactive --debug --pod-cidr
Getting an error of this form;
{“level”:“info”,“msg”:“Launching ucp-reconcile container with image docker/ucp-agent:3.1.7”,“time”:“2019-05-27T15:21:31Z”}
{“level”:“debug”,“msg”:“Injecting config at /etc/ucp/ucp-internal.json into ucp-reconcile”,“time”:“2019-05-27T15:21:32Z”}
{“level”:“error”,“msg”:“Unrecoverable reconciliation error: unable to launch ucp-reconcile container: Error response from daemon: linux mounts: path /var is mounted on / but it is not a shared or slave mount”,“time”:“2019-05-27T15:21:33Z”}
Reconciliation was unsuccessful
ERRO[0922] Unable to successfully setup local node. Run “docker logs ucp-reconcile” for more details
FATA[0922] waiting for reconciler canceled
Running “docker logs ucp-reconcile” doesn’t appear to help.
First time posting on the forum (so apologies if I’m over redacting the diag info).
“date_local”: “2019-05-27 16:43:46.138148847 +0100 BST”,
“date_utc”: “2019-05-27 15:43:46.138148847 +0000 UTC”,
“date_unix”: 1558971826,
“os_arch”: “amd64”,
“os_name”: “darwin”,
“os_variant”: “macOS High Sierra”,
“os_version”: “10.13.6”,
“os_kernel_version”: “17.7.0”,
“os_build_number”: “17G7024”,
“time_boot”: “2019-05-26 07:50:52 +0000 UTC”,
“time_up_seconds”: 114774,
“hypervisor_status”: “PASS: Hypervisor framework works”,
“virt_system”: “”,
“mem_total”: 17179869184,
“mem_free”: 61706240,
“cpu_cores”: 2,
“cpu_threads”: 4,
“cpu_family”: “6”,
“cpu_model”: “61”,
“cpu_stepping”: “4”,
“cpu_name”: “Intel(R) Core™ i7-5557U CPU @ 3.10GHz”,
“cpu_flags”: [
Docker Info;
“id”: “4855D8A3-A153-4D06-ABC3-B7421BBC14C9”,
“date”: “2019-05-27 15:43:45.78766826 +0000 UTC”,
“os”: “macOS 10.13.6”,
“os_label”: “osx/10.13.x”,
“app_version”: “”,
“app_channel”: “stable”,
“engine_version”: “18.09.2”,
“compose_version”: “1.23.2”,
“kubernetes_version”: “v1.10.11”,
“credhelper_version”: “0.6.0”,
“notary_version”: “0.6.1”,
“vpnkit_version”: “83b469a79cfa7a272057dc41d3d97e7d1f16e4a5”,
“hyperkit_version”: “v0.20180403-17-g3e954c”
Any suggestions please?