I am trying to follow the docker Get started tutorial. I am on part 4 deploying the demo app to the swarm. I’ve got two VM’s setup and one of them as the swarm leader and the other as a worker. I have run
docker-machine env dockervm1
& “C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker-machine.exe” env dockervm1 | Invoke-Expression
to connect my powershell to the swarm leader.
Running docker-machine ls show that both VM’s are up and that dockervm1 is the leader. They seem to be running a newer docker version 17.10 than the one on my host machine (17.09). However, there appears to be no 17.10 upgrade for Docker for Windows.
Trying to deploy the service into the swarm using
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml getstartedlab
fails with “error during connect: Get Service Unavailable”’
Any help would be appreciated.