Unable to find image "helpsystems/goanywhere-mft:6.0.4" locally


I try to install goanywhere docker on my fresh installed ubuntu system. I downloaded the docker image with “docker pull helpsystems/goanywhere-mft” but when I try to run the docker image I get the error message…

docker run --detach \
--publish 9000:8000 --publish 9001:8001 --publish 9005:8005 --publish 9006:8006 --publish 9009:8009  \
--publish 9010:8010 --publish 9443:443 --publish 9021:21 --publish 9022:22 \

Thank you for your help.

tag 6.0.4 is missing

The version specified must be the version you downloaded. In this instance i believe you downloaded 6.2.3 and therefore must enter this value instead of 6.0.4. If you have any additional issues or questions please contact goanywhere.support@helpsystems.com or you can find answers to commonly asked questions on our forum at www.goanywhere.com/forumm

Thank you. I forget to change the tag/version… but after installing goanywhere is crushed, because goanywhere required root access. And I dont have root access on the system. is there an image, which dont need root access ?