Unable to pull mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.1

I’m unable a solution to thrown error ‘Docker command failed with exit code 1.’ Any guidance to why the download failed is appreciated

Using VS2019
Docker Engine V20.10.2
Created Sample C# Docker Windows IIS template
The sample template runs outside of Docker

When Docker start-up messages throws error ‘Docker command failed with exit code 1.’ Below is the complete docker start-up messages
========== Checking for Container Prerequisites ==========
Verifying that Docker Desktop is installed…
Docker Desktop is installed.
========== Verifying that Docker Desktop is running… ==========
Verifying that Docker Desktop is running…
Starting Docker Desktop…
Docker Desktop is running.
========== Verifying Docker OS ==========
Verifying that Docker Desktop’s operating system mode matches the project’s target operating system…
Docker Desktop’s operating system mode matches the project’s target operating system.
========== Pulling Required Images ==========
Checking for missing Docker images…
Pulling Docker images. To cancel this download, close the command prompt window.
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.1
Docker command failed with exit code 1.
Docker pull failed.
Not all required Docker images are ready.
========== Finished ==========