Continuing the discussion from Unable to execute a helloworld exe in MS windows server core container:
I am trying to run a .exe installed in a windows docker container. It is a command-line tool that just converts a type of file into .csv.
I have been able to install the software in the container, however, when I try to run the command in the Dockerfile, it fails with the following error code: 3221225794
I have also tried removing the command from the Dockerfile and running the container, and tried to run the zph2csv – help from the container cmd. No output or error was displayed.
I am struggling to understand what the issue is.
Here is my dockerfile:
# Use an official Windows Server Core image
SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference='Stop'; $ProgressPreference='SilentlyContinue';"]
# RUN Install-WindowsFeature Containers -ArgumentList 'norestart'
# SHELL ["powershell", "Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Containers -All"]
# Set the working directory
RUN Write-Output "test output"
# Copy your .exe and Python script into the container
COPY Setup_ZPH2CSV_v1.7.0.1.exe /src
COPY src /src
COPY Wind10_755@Y2023_M10_D05.ZPH /src
# RUN Get-ChildItem
# Install Python
# -------working--------
# RUN Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "python-installer.exe"; \
# Start-Process python-installer.exe -ArgumentList '/quiet InstallAllUsers=1 PrependPath=1 IncludePip=1' -Wait;
# RUN python --version
# RUN pip install boto3
# --------------------------
# Start-Process python-installer.exe -ArgumentList '/quiet InstallAllUsers=1 PrependPath=1 IncludePip=1' -Wait; \
# # Remove-Item python-installer.exe
# # Test Python installation
# RUN python --version
# # # Install boto3
# RUN pip install boto3
USER ContainerAdministrator
# # Install ZPH2CSV
RUN Write-Output "Starting Installation"; \
Start-Process Setup_ZPH2CSV_v1.7.0.1.exe -ArgumentList '/install', 'C:/ZPH2CSV', '/silent InstallAllUsers=1 PrependPath=1' -Wait; \
Write-Output "Installation Complete";
RUN ["zph2csv", "--help"]
The last command, is the one that should output the help of the commandline tool, but it exits with the error code. I would really appreciate some help as I am new to windows containers.