I was reading here
opened 10:18PM - 14 Nov 17 UTC
closed 03:01AM - 21 Sep 18 UTC
### Expected behavior
Be able to install Docker for Windows using a unattended/… silent installation process.
C:\> Docker_for_Windows.exe /qn
For enterprise customers deploying Docker for Windows, there is no automated deployment capability. This is an issue for customers looking to centrally manage client software deployments.
### Actual behavior
Not currently supported
### Impact
Liberty Mutual
but when I tried this over psexec nothing happens. It never installs.
I tried
psexec \machine -u domain\user -s cmd
cd docker installer location
“Docker for Windows Installer.exe” install --quiet
I wait about 5 minutes as some installers take a bit but still
nothing happens
tries “/qn” option just for kicks and giggles and /S option like I use to install x2go remotely.
Is there a way to run this as an unattended install?
Ahh interesting I tried running it on that machine with no arguments and get an error message:
“Failed to install: Windows version not compatible. Check documentation for minimal requirements.” message.
So maybe this will work with a supported version of windows.
November 12, 2018, 3:42pm
choco install -y docker-for-windows --no-progress --fail-on-standard-error
shutdown /r /t 0
November 13, 2018, 4:13am
(Al Brough)
July 3, 2019, 4:58am
.\“Docker for Windows Installer.exe” install --quiet