I just upgraded to RC4 and one of my running containers did not restart. I am running a couple dozen containers, all run with restart=always
and around half of them publishing a port to my mac. Only one container failed to restart. So, I tried to start it manually with:
$ docker start proxy-wmail
Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint proxy-wmail (36e49462c4d86f3ce79c5e3514f0df033ae68c37172165a4310aa504a6fcf624): Bind for failed: port is already allocated
Error: failed to start containers: proxy-wmail
I then removed this proxy-wmail
container and tried to run it again and got the same error:
$ docker run -d --restart=always --net=wnet -v /Users/kdh/walri.com/pvs/certs:/certs --name proxy-wmail -h proxy-wmail -p 2587:587 walr.io/wmail-proxy
docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint proxy-wmail (1a706d10f0903a0823962f5a4c0281c5f4b70f0346ddb78ff6c456cff483e9eb): Bind for failed: port is already allocated.
This resulted in a container stuck in the Created
So, I removed this failed container and entered the Docker VM to look at the /port directory:
$ ls /port
README tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp: tcp:
As you can see there are a lot of ports allocated including the port for tcp:
which is a port that wasn’t cleaned up from before the update to RC4.
I then removed all containers:
$ docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
$ docker rm -v $(docker ps -a -q)
And checked the /port
directory again:
$ docker ps -a
$ docker run -it --rm --privileged --pid=host debian nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i sh
/ # ls port
README tcp: tcp:
tcp: tcp:
Note that some other ports were not removed for other containers that were removed, but many were removed.
I think there is a bug in cleaning up/removing containers that can sometimes result in the port mapping still remaining after the container is finished.
I “reset to factory defaults” and rebuilt my images and all started fine to work-around this bug.