USB device read-rate degradation within a container?

I have a general question regarding usb device performance inside of a docker container.

For context, I have setup a docker image (for deploying containers on an nvidia jetson agx xavier platform) to set up a camera publisher in ros to stream data from a realsense d435i camera plugged into the jetson via USB 3.2. I run this container with the “–privileged” option, as well as mounting the volume dev via “-v /dev:/dev” in the run command and I am able to bring up the node and run pretty reliably @15 fps at the camera’s lowest resolution. Additionally, I am able to view the host stream on a separate host machine and the output looks pretty good.

I am trying to identify potential reasons why I cannot increase the frame-rate or the resolution without causing my ros node to crash. One of the issues, potentially, is the read-rate of my usb device when being read from within a running container. I am new to docker, and I would appreciate any general info and/or links about how running a docker container on a host machine can impact usb performance. Any relevant info would be of great use to me. Thanks!

Hi Joe,
I believe I have a similar setup but I just can’t make the camera work when running the app on Docker. May you help me with this?
Thank in advance

Hello !

I’m new to docker and would like to use librealsense in a docker container with the T265 camera.
I wrote a Dockerfile for building the library from ubuntu 16.04 :

RUN wget &&\
    unzip -d . &&\
    mkdir apriltag-build &&\
    cd apriltag-build &&\
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/apriltag/ ../apriltag-3.1.1 &&\
    make install

WORKDIR /librealsense
RUN apt-get install -y libopencv-dev libeigen3-dev libv4l-dev &&\
    ./scripts/ && mkdir build && cd /librealsense/build &&\
    && make uninstall && make clean && make -j4 && make install \
    && apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y

I will have to connect the USB but now there is another problem.
I try to use apriltag but when compiling my cpp file, it say :

root@546f61c80766:/librealsense/examples/pose-apriltag# ls
CMakeLists.txt  rs-pose-apriltag.cpp
root@546f61c80766:/librealsense/examples/pose-apriltag# g++ -o rs-pose-apriltag rs-pose-apriltag.cpp
rs-pose-apriltag.cpp:12:22: fatal error: apriltag.h: No such file or directory
 #include "apriltag.h"
compilation terminated.

Thank in advance for any advice !

And what is the problem with the USB drive? This topic is about “USB device read-rate degradation”. Do you have the same problem? If you have problem with USB and Docker but not the same as this topic is about, please, create a new topic for that and tell us more about the issue.

It looks like a C++ cpmpilation problem not related to Docker. If you disagree, please, create a new for this too.

No I don’t have a “problem” with USB, and you are probably right, it is not about “USB device read-rate degradation”.
And yes the C++ problem is not related to Docker.
I was just benefiting of this topic.