Using Docker in freeRTOS environment

I am doing POC, where I want to use docker in freeRTOS environment just like we use docker in Linux environment.

Q1. Is this feasible approach?
Q2. If not, is there a way to make it feasible?

Note: I am beginner in Docker, kindly guide me in this.

It depends on whether freeRTOS uses a modern Linux kernel.

No Linux kernel == no docker, except emulated within a qemu vm (which dioesn’t make sense on an embedded device).

If it’s a Linux kernel than you can check whether all required modules are available:

If modules are missing, you need to compile a kernel/kernel modules that are missing,

But before you do that, it’s probably a good idea to check whether a static binary exists for the cpu architecture the embedded device uses: Install Docker Engine from binaries | Docker Docs

I fail to see the relevance of this note. Most of the experienced Docker users never had to do or can’t even do what you try to do. This requires system engineering skills in the first place. Docker skills are relevant once you made Docker work on your embedded device…

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