What is Exited (255) code of docker container and how to overcome?

Hello All,

We are running custom docker container using docker-compose file with applied restart policy.
observation -
When we reboot system and docker start so container is not up and throw exited error(255).
How to ensure custom container are always running and up ?
Why container is not up and start at every boot .

(Note - i am using ubuntu core 16 as OS platform and
docker version

sudo docker version

Version: 18.09.9
API version: 1.39
Go version: go1.13.4
Git commit: 1752eb3
Built: Sat Nov 16 01:05:26 2019
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: false

Version: 18.09.9
API version: 1.39 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.13.4
Git commit: 9552f2b
Built: Sat Nov 16 01:07:48 2019
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: false

Hello did you find a solution to this???
Please help

Instead of asking about question sent two years ago, please, share your experience, error messages and what you try to run in a container, and how you try to do it.

The first post in this topic did not have these details so the solution could be totally different. That error code is thrown by the process running in the container, so you should check the logs first

docker logs containername