When i run docker container it gonging wrong with this error: "Error invoking remote method 'docker-start-container': Error: (HTTP code 500) server error - connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial unix /var/run/desktop-containerd/con"

the situation is appear when i shutdown my windows and the container is not stopped. But when i open the docker desktop and restart the docker container it’s warning me that

Error invoking remote method 'docker-start-container': Error: (HTTP code 500) server error - connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial unix /var/run/desktop-containerd/containerd.sock: connect: connection refused": unavailable

i have tried to docker stop [the container id] the result is the following picture

PS C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker> docker stop 110a1314bc90
PS C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker>

then i tried to use docker restart [the container id] the result show me it’s not work.

PS C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker> docker restart 110a1314bc90
Error response from daemon: Cannot restart container 110a1314bc90: connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial unix /var/run/desktop-containerd/containerd.sock: connect: connection refused": unavailable
PS C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker>

my system is windows , someone said that i should find the pid for docker and then kill all them. But in windows i can’t find the pid

PS C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker> netstat -ano | findstr "docker"
PS C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker>

it showed me noting!
Is someone have encountered this situation?
can anyone solve my problem? Thanks!

After upgrading docker desk top, containers can now be started.