Where can I find - the config for "docker network inspect" behaviour ...?


during my docker tests - I found a problem with missing configs /config -docs (?) (which I couldn’t solve using the documentation on page : https[:]//docs[.]docker[.]com/ )
I have two docker hosts (both on linux: Debian 12 and RockyLinux 8.10 )

On 1st host (build on Debian 12) while I’m using command "docker network inspect <network_name> " I get the full information about THIS very network - including the “Containers” section
as showed on below screen:

but executing the same command on nost nr. 2 (RosckyLinux) print me only such output :
sa showedo on this screen

Additionally - on Rocky docker host - i cannot use “docker network inspect --verbose <network_name>” command - it produces errors (as shown above) .
I tried this o root or rootless environment - it doesn’t really matter …

Both systems (docker hosts) are in the newest (for both linux distros) versions (see specification at the bottom of this post)

my question is - where can I find the proper place (and proper configuration directives, parameters) for enabling a fulll network status in RockyLinux host ??
Because I didn’t find any information about configure it in docker-docs - I have to ask You , dear Docker Users :slight_smile:

Hosts Specification :

debDocker (Debian 12 Bookworm)

markooff@debDocker:~$ sudo docker version
 Version:           20.10.24+dfsg1
 API version:       1.41
 Go version:        go1.19.8
 Git commit:        297e128
 Built:             Sat Oct 12 15:19:49 2024
 OS/Arch:           linux/amd64
 Context:           default
 Experimental:      true

  Version:          20.10.24+dfsg1
  API version:      1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
  Go version:       go1.19.8
  Git commit:       5d6db84
  Built:            Sat Oct 12 15:19:49 2024
  OS/Arch:          linux/amd64
  Experimental:     false
  Version:          1.6.20~ds1
  GitCommit:        1.6.20~ds1-1+b1
  Version:          1.1.5+ds1
  GitCommit:        1.1.5+ds1-1+deb12u1
  Version:          0.19.0
markooff@debDocker:~$ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="12 (bookworm)"

DockerHub (RockyLinux 8.5 Green Obsidian)

[markooff@DockerHost ~]$ docker version
Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
Client:       Podman Engine
Version:      4.9.4-rhel
API Version:  4.9.4-rhel
Go Version:   go1.22.7 (Red Hat 1.22.7-1.module+el8.10.0+1879+0cb86608)
Built:        Tue Nov 26 12:38:24 2024
OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
[markooff@DockerHost ~]$ cat /etc/centos-release
Rocky Linux release 8.10 (Green Obsidian)


I’m not sure what kind of config you are looking for, but in the first environment you are probbaly using Docker CE, but in the other, the error message very clearly says you are using Podman, which is not Docker.

They just add an alias so you can use the “docker” command to actually manage Podman. But not all parameters and behaviors are same.

See Podman pretending to be Docker

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Thank you @rimelek for Your immediate and substantive answer !

In fact, I believed that - in such basic matters - podman CLI is completely compatible with docker CLI … That it is simply the equivalent of Docker but in the RH/Centos/Rocky distribution … :slight_smile:

So, do You think that the better solution for me is ::

  1. to go and look for the deep dive documentation for explicite PODMAN software, or
  2. to step back and change PODMAN for the native docker (Docker Engine) in my Docker-Rocky-Host ?

What You would do sitting in my place ? :slight_smile:
(i preffer to have a docker CLI - in rootless environment for some security reasons also … )

Both Podman and Docker CE could be good. Obviously I’m a Docker CE fan, and you would probably find more tutorials for Docker than Podman and it is easier to use (in my opinion), but if you are thinking about Rootless Docker, it is good to know that Podman is rootless by default if you run it with a non-root user. Podman tries to support the interface of Docker even in their Desktop (supporting Docker Desktop extensions), but Podman is still not Docker and Podman Desktop is still not Docker Desktop.

I recommend installing the official Docker CE whenever it is officially supported on the operating system you choose. When it is not the case, and Podman is recommnded by the maintainers of the Linux Distribution, you can use that too, but then you should look for support on a Podman forumor the forum of the distribution.

Docker CE also has other variants supported by Linux Distributions. The choice is yours. The best if you read about both and you decide what you need.

You can find the supported operating systems for Docker CE in the documentation: Install | Docker Docs

Since podman was developed by Red Hat, in some cases, Podman could be a better choice if you cannot change the OS, but RHEL and Centos is also supported, although not all versions and not all architectures…

Thank You once again @rimelek - Your answers are deeply substantive and hit directly what I wanted to ask … :slight_smile:
You’re right, I really care about using Docker in rootless environment - but for educational reasons I also need to work a bit on original Docker - so I try to install and have both of them simultanously - on my Docker Rocky Host (and of course for comparison I also plan to maintain the other Docker host - builded on pure Debian 12)

At the end - I would have one more question to You - do You thing that installing Docker CE on Rocky Linux and then to put it in rootless environment is the worthy solution anyway ? (I’ve checked and there is a proper version Docker CE for my x86_64 architecture :slight_smile: ) Perhaps You have(s) for some good manual(s) for doing that ?

I am very grateful
and thank you for your interest and such important answers to my questions :slight_smile:

I don’t use Rocky Linux. So you need a Rocky Linux user to have an opinion about how easy it is to use Docker CE on it. Since the official documentation I linked does not mention Rocky Linux as supported, I can’t recommend it, but I also can’t say that Docker CE would not run on it or would not be stable. It wuld not be officially supported, unless the distribution maintainers support it. note that even if a distribution is based on a supported one, that is not the supported one. Even if it uses the same package repository since other things can be different too that would make it unstable or incompatible.