Hi there,
I am looking for images of Microsoft SQL Server for Windows-based containers. There are references to them on the web, but any attempt to find them on the Docker Hub fails. What happened to them? Is it possible to get them somewhere?
The truth is that MS was very late to the Container/Kubernetes game, so it made sense that number did not add up when trying to do things in windows containers at that time. I mean, they dropped this in June 2021, and AKS got support for windows nodes may 2019 preview and april 2020 out of preview. And it has taken time to mature it…
Even now a days using Windows containers has it’s problems (in docker desktop you cannot run windows and linux images at the same time - which you could in the past, minicube started an initiative so support windows containers late 2023…).
It made sense they focused on Linux for deliverying.
I recently had the need to support MSSQL on windows containers so my team can have development boxes with MSSQL and other windows must containers, so I built some images for this: