I am unable to pull an image that is on a public repository.
Here is the GitHub repository: GitHub - lobis/docker-root-geant4-garfield: This image has ROOT, Geant4 and Garfield++ installed. This repository hosts the Dockerfile as well as the Docker image as a GitHub Package.
And here is the package I am trying to pull: root-geant4-garfield-dev versions · lobis · GitHub. As far as I can tell its public and should be accessible. I have had acessed this on the past from linux machines.
However when I try to pull the image on my Windows machine (Docker version 20.10.17, build 100c701. Updated Docker Desktop). I get the following error:
>docker pull ghcr.io/lobis/root-geant4-garfield-dev:rest-for-physics
Error response from daemon: Head "https://ghcr.io/v2/lobis/root-geant4-garfield-dev/manifests/rest-for-physics": denied: denied
When I check the URL in the error message I also get an error saying I am not authentificated. {"errors":[{"code":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"authentication required"}]}
I think this is a problem with my local docker installation because I was able to pull this image from other machines in the past, however I am not able to check this at the moment.
Thank you.