Access/switch Alpine VM


is there a way to:

a) access the Alpine VM that comes with Docker for Mac (“Moby”)
b) switch the used image? e.g. where can I find the sources for “Moby”? (GPL?)

I’ll need a specific kernel module loaded in the (host) kernel.

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Hi we plan to fully open source the Linux distro soon. We can of course provide all sources, any kernel patches will be in the distro in /etc/. The current beta is vanilla 4.4.6+aufs, you can get the kernel config with:

docker run --privileged --pid=host alpine zcat /proc/1/root/proc/config.gz

You can in theory replace the kernel image in the application bundle with a new one, but we won’t be able to help with bugs - we are trying to fix the issues with a vanilla setup…

We can add more mainstream config options if they are generally appropriate - what do you need?

Thanks for your help!

Unfortunately it’s not a mainstream option and requires custom patching + custom userspace daemon. Currently we have a modified “boot2docker”-distro image and use VMWare Fusion with docker-machine but are very unhappy with the recent development of Fusion. So xhyve-based Docker for Mac looks very compelling.

We are not going to help with this type of request at present as we want to get the mainstream features working, but you should be able to run a daemon via a privileged container fairly easily, and you can change the kernel, or add modules, but you will have to work it out on your own.

As long as I know what I need to build, I can do it myself. That’s why I asked for the sources :wink:

You can get the full sources for all the code on the running VM in a directory called output/ with:

docker run -it -v /etc:/hostetc -v /lib:/lib -v $(PWD)/output:/output justincormack/mobysources

The kernel patches at present are just the latest upstream aufs for the kernel version, this may change though next beta.