I added a microphone using a USB device to an existing Docker container.
The docker container can read from the USB port but can not read from the microphone itself. It means the container identifies the USB port as empty.
How can I make the container read the microphone?
OS Version is ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
App version is Docker Engine 20.10.10
Thanks for your answers.
I think that I need to set the default input device (microphone) in the docker container to be the same as the system but I do not know how to do it. What do you think? How do I see the default input and output devices in the container and how to adjust them?
I added a few minutes ago the privileged part but nothing changed. Do you know how do I see the default input and output devices in the container and how to adjust them?
I already set the default input device in the ubuntu system to be the microphone but the problem is the docker container reads all the inputs from USB ports although it should only take input from the microphone.