Benchmarking wasm v traditional containers

Just getting started so I am doing a simple benchmark to compare run speeds between a traditional container and a wasm one.

This is just calling docker run as many times as possible in 10 seconds, and the traditional container appears to be slightly faster???

Running benchmark for 10 seconds...
Benchmark complete.
Number of calls to docker run --rm hello-world:ubuntu hello world: 13

Running benchmark for 10 seconds...
Benchmark complete.
Number of calls to docker run --rm --runtime=io.containerd.wasmedge.v1 --platform=wasi/wasm32 hello-world:wasm hello world: 10

I was hoping to demonstrate that the wasm version was going to be faster?

I got the same problem. I’m on windows.
I tested doker create and docker start time separatedly. It turns out docker start time of a wasm container is slower than traditional one.
Any ideas?