Beta9 is available for download

Expected behavior

The download should point to beta9

Actual behavior

beta8 is still downloaded


I try to update to beta9 but Docker4Mac doesn’t find the new version:
Docker 1.11.0-beta8 is currently the newest version available.

Same for me here… Links are not updated it seems…

I’m seeing the same here, and am very excited to test it out with the new VPN changes!

Same here, and does anyone know if the in-app update mechanism is working during the betas? It also doesn’t report any new release past b8.

For the 2 last version, it was working.

Could be Cloudfront which is not totally updated…

I’m seeing the same behavior:

Docker 1.11.0-beta8 is currently the newest version available.

It’s ok now, the beta 9 update is online !!

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Yes I confirm, it’s working with app internal update mechanism.

It is working with localhost now and NGINX default page

Seems like someone pulled the trigger on the email too soon :slight_smile: