Can we deploy C# windows application on container

Hi All,

I am new to Containers, we have a C# windows application(.exe) on-premise working fine. We want to know if this can be deployed on Dockers.

1)This exe needs .net 4.6 to install and requires user intervention while installing(click next…)
2)This exe will create a task schedule and a windows service while installing is it possible in containers
3)currently we are running the exe on around 200 VMs [1 core 4GB RAM 150GB HDD]
3)Is possible to monitor containers [like rdp or a portal login if not the same]

I have few more questions please suggest who should I contact


I am not an expert but you can use Window images like this one to run your application, understand that a container is just a like VM, so if you can install your exe silent or script this process that it will be doable in your Dockerfile.