Can't create virutalbox in docker-machine

Hi all,

I was following the tutorial for Docker (Deploy to Swarm | Docker Docs), and when executing the command to create a virtualbox with docker-machine, I got the error:

 > docker-machine --debug create --driver virutalbox myvm1
Docker Machine Version:  0.12.0, build 45c69ad
Driver "virutalbox" not found. Do you have the plugin binary "docker-machine-driver-virutalbox" accessible in your PATH?

I looked around here and the internet and couldn’t find anyone else with this problem. Anyone else run into this? I only have Docker for Mac installed and not the Docker Toolbox.


Ack. spelled virtual wrong.

Somewhere 3 years later -
made the same mistake :frowning:
misspelling …
had to lol !

And here I am three years later :man_facepalming: