Cloudflare tunnel with docker issues

Hi everyone, total newbie here, please bear with me!

FWIW - I did check this post and it was not able to solve my issue…

I am running portainer on a raspberry pi 5, and I have the following containers running:

  1. nextcloud with IP [5443:443]
  2. nextcloud_db with IP [-]
  3. portainer with IP [9000:9000, 9443:9443]
  4. cloudflared:latest with IP [-]

They are all connected to one user-made bridged network called crossnet.

I have configured a tunnel by using the cloudflare recommended process for Docker, and the status of the tunnel is “HEALTHY” in the dashboard.

My tunnel is configured as [nextcloud. mydomain .com](http:// nextcloud .mydomain .com) | Type: HTTPS and URL is

No matter what I do, the website doesn’t load and the only way for me to access nextcloud is by going to https:// in my browser…

I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge - I’ve researched to the best of my ability and tried everything I could to no avail. Please help if you are able. Thank you!

Edit: forgive the random spaces in the URLs/links, it’s because I’m a new user and limited to only 2 links per post.