Connection to sql server using pyodbc failing


I am trying to connect a container to sql server. (which is physically present outside)

I get this error saying-

Microsoft ODBC driver 13 for SQL server- Login timeout expired (SQLDriver Connect)

When I try to run the same program outside the docker, it runs fine.

Has anyone come across this issue? Any help would be appreciated.


Here is the sample python code:

import pyodbc
server = '$DB_HOST'
username = '$DB_USERNAME'
password = '$DB_PASSWORD'

cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL 
Server};SERVER='+server+';PORT=1443;UID='+username+';PWD='+ password)
cursor = cnxn.cursor()

print ('Using the following SQL Server version:')
tsql = "SELECT @@version;"
with cursor.execute(tsql):
    row = cursor.fetchone()
    print (str(row[0]))

where did the container get the ip address of the sql server?

and the sql server will allow this machine to connect (firewall issues)…

can u ping the sql server from the container?

Hi @sdetweil, Thanks for your reply.
I have sourced all the 3 the environment variables in the container.
I tried pinging the sql server from the container, it did not respond.
However, pinging from the container worked.

If it was firewall issues, I was able to ping SQL server outside the container (ubuntu terminal) and it worked fine,

what kind of system is the docker host, linux, mac, windows?

but at least we know it is a networking issue…

My main OS is windows10. I am running Oracle VM VirtualBox on Ubuntu.
On Ubuntu 16.04, I have installed docker. So the docker host is Ubuntu or windows?
Bit confused.

where do you issue docker run command, that is the docker host.
where is the database server? that is the db host