Create a mixed Docker Swarm over single Docker For Windows host

Dear all,

What would be the best way to define a Docker Swarm over a single host running Docker For Windows, to be able to run both Linux and Windows based containers inside a single host?
I’m trying to set up a single docker-compose file for a single physical host containing both Linux and Windows payloads. I know Windows Server 2016 will be coming out with Hyper-V support for LinuxKit, but they’re fairly vague on timelines. How could this be achieved right now?


That’s not currently possible, I recommend waiting for Linux Containers on Windows

Hi Michael,
Sounds like a good idea :slight_smile: I saw the news about the Windows Server alpha that already contains this functionality. Would you suggest to already try it out today? It’s OK if it’s still a bit rough, but would docker compose with multiple OS targets work already?
