Docker app blurred display

Hi everyone,
I have been working in docker for the last month, but recently the docker app display is blurred.
I have reinstalled the app, restarted my pc a number of time and the app it self.

Anyone else experience this issue?
Any help will be appreciate.

I have since found that blur issue is related to a message that appears before I login.
Membership in the organization is required.

But in docker hub I have no membership or organization.
I am using a free account.

How can I remove this message?
I using windows 10.

after some investigation I found a solution.
Closed the Docker app.
Found the entry in the registry, after deleting the key containing the organization the docker app signed in without requiring an organization.
Location of key in registry: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Docker\Docker Desktop

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